
Tell the mountains listen

Tell the hills to hear

Those who made you suffer 

I’ll make disappear

Tell the land of Israel

It has been decreed

The Geulah’s coming

My people will be freed

They’ve been lost in Galus

Yet they still endure

I will gather them up

And I will make them pure 

Their spirit’s weary

But it will be refreshed

Gonna take their stone hearts

Turn them into flesh

Tell the bones to listen

Tell them I know they’re dry

Yet I will still revive them

כי אני יהוה 

I’ll bring them back together

Make their body whole

Breath Life into them

Replenish their soul

Now go pick up two sticks

Turn them into one

Tell my holy nation

וקבצתי אותם

I’ll bring back דוד עבדי

רועה לכולם

I’ll be להם לאלוהים

ויהיו לי לעם 

Tell my children listen

There’s no need to roam

Tell them that galus ended

And they can come back home


Depth Inside Me


What is Man